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« Morals and God


Central Question:

How can I trust the Spirit consistently

Why this is important to me:

I know that an answer to all of these questions will be ‘you will know by the Spirit.’ If I knew how to use it then I could consider that as an option. Finding the best practices for the spirit is really hard

We say that we each have it differently. ‘Everyone feels it differently.’ I am confused by this but I respect the answer. The below comments ignore ‘everyone feels it differently’ and focuses on other aspects of the spirit

Humans brains are programmed to NOT change our minds

The science in this is new but we can see this in each of our own lives. Our brains are setup to disregard evidence of change.

People often discount evidence that contradicts their firmly held beliefs. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms that govern this behavior. We used neuroimaging to investigate the neural systems involved in maintaining belief in the face of counterevidence, presenting 40 liberals with arguments that contradicted their strongly held political and non-political views. Challenges to political beliefs produced increased activity in the default mode network—a set of interconnected structures associated with self-representation and disengagement from the external world. Trials with greater belief resistance showed increased response in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and decreased activity in the orbitofrontal cortex. We also found that participants who changed their minds more showed less BOLD signal in the insula and the amygdala when evaluating counterevidence. These results highlight the role of emotion in belief-change resistance and offer insight into the neural systems involved in belief maintenance, motivated reasoning, and related phenomena.

Is there an OODA Loop for Spirit Feedback

With so many people using the Spirit, there should be a strong set of guidelines on its usage.

A common method for this is the Ooda Loop. The idea is to try something, test its accuracy, then readjust for better performance on the next iteration

I feel that if the Spirit is to be used to be a source we depend on, it needs an OODA Loop. Otherwise how do we know if we are using it right or wrong.

I have looked for hours. I cannot find a solid OODA Loop like paper on the Spirit

Eastern Spiritualism Does have OODA LOOPS

For years I accepted that OODA Loops simply may not exist for the spiritual components of this world. But Eastern spiritual practices do have them. Many different meditation philosophies have been scientifically proven. There are white papers on how to use them as remedies for depression or grief. These meditation practices often use the same techniques discussed when using the spirit but with more control.

One example is the many expected values that come from Mindfulness Meditation as shown below

Without an OODA Loop we fall prey to Cognitive Bias

We live with many bias’s that we need to control. They are often for our benefit in most circumstances but not always. Below are a few of those biases, each of these affect when we try to best use the Spirit.

I need to be honest, I feel that “The Spirit” is something that we talk about because we ignore these biases. There is a reason that gambling is such a major enterprise, it is because we fall prey to these biases and expect higher payouts than we get. And then we do it again. The same issues apply might apply to the Spirit

Selection Abstraction

Everyone has a great story with the Spirit, but how many failures happened to get that story


How many times do we think something great happened because of us but really it was due to items out of our control

Arbitrary Inference

And all of this is contingent on our Arbitrary inference bias, the one that lets us consider using the Spirit even though there is no OODA Loop.

Best Practice Guides to the Spirit

I want to see a best practice guide. Something that can show me how to trust the spirit. If I cannot trust it, I cannot use it

« Morals and God

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