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« Brutality In Gods Name                                   Christianity Vs Love of All Mankind »

Christianity the Religion of your Oppression

Central Question:

Does God really expect someone to follow their oppressors religion?

Why this is important to me:

It seems so cruel. Even if a religion is the most true religion. It hurts me to think that a God expects an oppressed person to follow it under the sword. That is not fair.

And when I think of Christian history, literally every single group (except maybe a handful of groups in Rome) are Christians due to oppression

Constantine Starts the Christian Opression Trend lightly, to Gain More Control of His Empire

Constantine required those who had not converted to Christianity to pay for the new Rome city.[28] Christian chroniclers tell that it appeared necessary to Constantine “to teach his subjects to give up their rites … and to accustom them to despise their temples and the images contained therein,”[30] This led to the closure of temples because of a lack of support, their wealth flowing to the imperial treasure;[31] Constantine did not need to use force to implement this.[28]

The Roman empire is known to accept many religions. The oppression in each country came after the empire fell.

Poland Oppressed its Citizens into Christianity

In adopting Christianity as the state religion, Mieszko I sought to achieve several personal goals.[5] He saw Poland’s baptism as a way of strengthening his hold on power, as well as using it as a unifying force for the Polish people.[5][8] It replaced several smaller cults with a single, central one, clearly associated with the royal court.[7]

Although at first the Christian religion was “unpopular and alien”, Mieszko’s baptism was highly influential[3] but needed to be enforced by the state, and ran into some popular opposition, including an uprising in the 1030s (particularly intense in the years of 1035–1037).[5][9] Nonetheless, by that time Poland had won recognition as a proper European state, from both the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire.[11]

Britian Oppressed its Citizens into Christianity

Henry VIII established the Church of England after his split with the Pope. However, England stayed much the same, even with the new state religion. Its doctrines and practices were, at first, very similar to those of the Catholic Church. The king did not establish the Church of England as a result of religious differences with Catholicism; his motives were mainly political, and he persecuted radical Protestants who threatened his church.[6]

Henry VIII’s successor, Edward VI, supported the Reformation, but his belief in Protestantism was not only political. He was more devout in his faith, and persecution of Protestant subjects ceased.[7]

Under the next monarch, however, Protestants were persecuted once again. Queen Mary I was raised Catholic, and she saw it as her duty to purge the evil of Protestantism from her country.[6]

Russian Oppressed its Citizens into Christianity

Princess Olga of Kiev was the first ruler of Kievan Rus’ who became a Christian. Her grandson, Vladimir of Kiev, made Rus’ officially a Christian state. The official Christianization of Kievan Rus’ is widely believed to have occurred in 988 AD, when Prince Vladimir was baptised himself and ordered his people to be baptised by the priests from the Eastern Roman Empire’

Spaniards were forced to change their religion many times

Pagan to Christian (not Catholic) to Muslim to Catholic to Muslim to Catholic. Who ever took over the region would persecute the people to follow their religion

South Americans Oppressed into Catholicism

The Requerimiento of 1512 served as a legal doctrine mandating that the Amerindians accept the Spanish monarch’s power over the region and Christianity. The doctrine called for the Amerindians who abided by these demands to be considered “loyal vassals,” but justified war against the Amerindians if they opposed the Spaniards’ power and allowed for an aggressive conquest, resulting in the Amerindians being “deprived of their liberty and property.”[3][4] The Requerimiento briefly alludes to the enslavement of the Amerindians as a result of the Spaniards’ militaristic conquest of the region.[5],up%20to%20the%20present%20day.&text=Pope%20Francis%20has%20embraced%20many,to%20the%20poor%20and%20marginalized.

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